
Parish nurse Ministry

Our Parish Nurse, Jessica Kuppler RN, provides Christian-to-Christian care and spiritual support while addressing medical and psychological needs of our congregational community.

The first Sunday of every month our Parish Nurse offers free blood pressure screenings.

Our Parish Nurse also coordinates quarterly blood drives and organizes our annual Senior Fair.


Cafe ministry

Gathering Grounds Cafe is open every Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and on special occasions.

We partner with Kaldi’s Coffee, a St. Louis roaster, to serve fresh, quality coffee and espresso. We also serve donuts from DonutKing, a local favorite.

Engage with one another on Sunday mornings while enjoying a cup of coffee, tea, latte, or hot chocolate.

Interested in volunteering at the cafe?


prayer chain

“Be JOYFUL in hope, PATIENT in affliction, FAITHFUL in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Prayer: Heals. Motivates. Guides. Empowers. Loves!

Seek God in Prayer.

Submit a prayer request for Our Savior’s prayer chain, staff, and/or worship prayers. Prayer request cards are also available in the sanctuary.


Music ministry

"The aim and final reason of all music is none else but the glory of God and the refreshment of the spirit." — Johann Sebastian Bach  

It is our goal in worship to present music that glorifies God and gives Him our highest thanks and praise for all He has done. Our Savior is blessed to have gifted vocalists and talented instrumentalists leading our worship services.

Our Savior’s Adult Choir sings two Sundays a month during worship. The Adult Choir is open to anyone. Rehearsals are on Wednesday evenings.

Our Savior’s Children’s Choir sings at least one Sunday a month during worship. Open to all children. Practice is on Sundays at 9:15 a.m.

Our Savior’s Praise Band (“Dry Bones”) leads our contemporary worship service each Sunday. They consist of professional and lay musicians.